Barbat x シェリル 妄想感傷代償連盟 踊ってみた Feari Niconico Video sm38982419
Sound source: DECO 27 (sm30067009) Chopping: sm30513364 Conclusion: Kozie Miko (sm31216117) Shooting: WaterColour Guitar Edit: Sheryl Barbat YouTube: Sheryl CHERYL Instagram: cherylmmdance Twitter: cherylmmdance Series I tried to dance Sheryl Previous: Sarry Mini Garnidelia Hibiki Mai dance Sheryl Next: Sheryl Morning Musume. 14 I tried to dance over spacetime over space する Play continuously from the beginning of the series Hide Video Description CHERYL mm Video uploads Upload date 07, 07, 2021 12:30 Views 348