Meet The Best of Both Worlds Dogs mislabelled the world over as The Canis Panther. Websites, trainers TV channels have been using The Best of Both World s dogs as the Cover Model for the Canis Panther when in fact they are a different breed altogether. Kian from Canada developed these dogs, named as The Borz Hound are an elite Protection Guard Dog which he has created to mirror the health and working ability of working dogs of old, BEFORE the show clubs got hold of them and bred them for size and looks only, thus destroying their working ability. I fly to Canada in this world premiere episode to show the world what the real dogs behind The Canis Panther photos really They are fiercely intelligent working dogs that can protect, guard, hunt be wonderful family pets. Looking like Fantasy Hell Hounds, this breed is set to take the world by storm Forget the Dobermann, The Cane Corso The Great Dane Meet their HEALTHY equivalent. Best Of Both Worlds