Arrival: A Short Film by Alex Myung 2016 Короткометражный фильм
Written, Directed and Animated by Alex Myung, this 2Danimated film explores one boy s struggle to face the truth of his life and love, and reveal it to the person he cares about most. Arrival delves into the often unexamined ripple effect that hiding your trueself has on loved ones around you. Funded through Kickstarter in 2013, Arrival finished production three years later in 2016. The story of the film pulls from Myung s past relationships and experiences as a gay man and is comprised of roughly 7, 000 drawings and over 400 backgrounds. After screening at over 25 international film festivals, including Palm Springs Short Fest, Seattle International Film Festival, and the LA Asian Pacific Film festivals, it has found a home online ready to be shared with the world