DEMO Valeton Surge EP 2 Expression and Volume pedal by Miguel Ángel Torres guitar. Boss MS 3
In this demo I show the Valeton EP2 pedal performance under diiferent situations (it is alwais connected as expression pedal in the video): Demo 1 1:12 : Pedal controlling the wah effect into my multieffect device (BOSS MS3), using an overdriven tone Demo 2 2:50 : Pedal controlling the master volume into the multieffect, using an overdriven tone Demo 3 3:38 : Pedal controlling the master volume into the multieffect, using a clean tone Demo 4 4:17 : Pedal controlling the wah effect, using a clean tone Demo 5 5:26 : Pedal controlling the pedal bending effect Demo 6 6:38 : Pedal controlling the delay mix in the tone (More delay mix at heel less delay mix at toe) Demo 7 7:30 : Pedal controlling the delay mix and wah at the same time myvaletondemo Hope you like it