Replacing Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 oil gear like a surgeon in seven minutes (without splitting the case)
Replacing mangled Judge s oil gear (or the original plastic gear) with new OEM steel on Vulcan 1500. PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. A lot of people use the Judges gear to replace the mangled original plastic oil gear. Then the Judges gear ends up getting mangled as well. A steel OEM gear is available but without some creativity, it would require splitting the cases. I had previously referred to another video for some background but that video has been made privateat least it is today 6252021. It was really helpful for me to build on to develop this process. Having said that I did find a way to remove and install the C clip (which holds the oil gear shaft onto the oil pump shaft) with a modified pair of Harbor Freight needle nose pliers and do it in seven minutes (internal procedure) which could be less with an even more refined tool based on what I learned. IMPORTANT NOTE: Next time you clean the oil pump prescreen be super careful not to allow any metal shavings, (that might have gotten into t