Hidden Agenda, Full Game Walkthrough, No Commentary
Supermassive Games is well known for their horror titles like Until Dawn and the Dark Pictures Anthology series. Their games take heavy inspiration from titles like Heavy Rain, but add a nice horror atmosphere to them. But one particulat title that many might have forgotten about is Hidden Agenda. This was a very experimental game that is not really horror, but rather a detective thriller. And the most unique thing about this game is that you do not play it with a controller, but with your smartphone I actually don t think it is possible to even play it without the smartphone and accompanying app. So all the movements and choices you see me do on screen are actually done by moving my fingers over the screen of my smartphone. Its a unique concept and was also done to provide some multiplayer interaction, but I don t think it worked all that well. The issue with having your smartphone as your controller is that you have even less control over the characters than normal. You cannot freel