DIY Winding machine with self reversing screw
JLCPCB 120 Layer PCB from 2, Sign up to Get 54 Coupons here: Available for PTFE Teflon, Rogers, Copper Core, Aluminum and FR4 PCB Assembly and 3D Printing at a Rockbottom Price via the link. hello friends in this video I try to build a winding machine by using Self reversing screw. Self reversing screw can change its horizontal movement though shaft is rotation in same direction, this type of screw element lots of mechanism for horizontal motion as a winder. We just need to rotate the shaft in single direction the horizontal motion of thread guide will automatically change when it reach its most left or right corner. 3D File : PCB file : visit for more projects : Short channel : instagram : Website : FB page : I use Epidamic sound for my back ground music if you like it you can check them out This video is made for educational purposes only. Please use your own judgment, knowledge, care, and precaution if you plan to replicate.