Learn 55 abbreviations for texting messaging in English
ru someone who sends a lot of texts If so, u probably use abbreviations to shorten the words. In this English lesson, I will introduce you to many abbreviations used in texting and online messages. Here are some examples: bday, ez, ppl, sry, gnite, wd, g2cu, gf, bf, fyi, cu, In total, there are 55 abbreviations you can start using to shorten your words and shorten your communication. They are useful in informal written communication such as text messages, informal emails, and online discussion forums where you need to reply briefly and quickly. A word of warning: as much as these are fun and useful, they are not a substitute for learning proper English But for short and informal communication, these will come in handy. So if a friend sends you a text message like, Dont 4get my bday party and byob, you will know exactly what they mean Watch next: Phone English How are you feeling