They beat Victor just for fun, he ended up hiding in a dark corner
Victor lived a pitiful life He is just over a year old and has been abandoned, abused and beaten When he contracted a skin disease, his family labeled him difficult to take care of and threw him on the street. On the street, Vitor approaches people in search of affection. No one could come close to him despite the premise that stray dogs carry diseases. A group of teenagers see this as an opportunity to hurt someone, took advantage of Vitor s kindness to their advantage. They beat him for fun, and left him with painful wounds. He has no emotions and is very depressed. Not knowing where to go and where to hide, Victor hides in a dark corner of the wasteland It s just a puppy, it has a lot of skin problems, bleeding, very weak and very scared, he even pees when I hug him Vitor desperately needs longterm treatment to be able to live again. Given his condition, hospitalization is required for supportive care treatment and IV fluids. At the hospital, V