A Special VE Day 75 Message read by Matthew Goode
Bletchley Park bletchleyparkuk A Special VE Day 75 Message read by Matthew Goode On VE Day 1945, a memo was sent out from the Stewart Graham Menzies, MI6 chief and DirectorGeneral of the Government Code and Cypher School, thanking the Codebreakers and staff whose fundamental work during the war should never be forgotten. We asked actor Matthew Goode, who played Hugh Alexander in The Imitation Game, if he would read the memo as a message of thanks to the Bletchley Park Veterans and the resilience of our country through the most difficult of times. He kindly obliged. There was also a letter from John Herival, dated 10 July 1945, to his team of Codebreakers. Herivel was one of the talented mathematicians recruited early in the war and stayed at Bletchley Park from January 1940 until October 1945. ...