Long Range FPV to the Top of Mount Titlis Engelberg Switzerland 4 K 60fps
8 miles round and 1. 5 mile vertical FPV trip to the top of Mount Titlis Engelberg Switzerland. 7 triblade props on 8 frame, running 5S 1800mah lipo. Dragon Link 435mHz UHF radio, TBS Unify Pro running max power. AXII long stem 5. 8ghz antenna in air, in my fatsharks two 8db patches. Gopro Hero 6. 4k, 60fps, stabiliser OFF Music: Birth of a Hero, Artist: Bensound Royalty Free Music , dragonlink, footage, dronefootage, fpvfreestyle, longrangefpv, fpvlongrange, cinematicfpv, pirofliprc, tbsunifypro, alps, e