37 Of The BEST and Most EFFECTIVE Kettlebell Exercises ( From Beginner To Advanced)
90 Days Of Kettlebells Donate To Support Us Free Kettlebell Workout Kostenloses Kettlebell Workout When it comes to KettlebellTraining, you have a multitude of exercises that you can choose from. Some are good and some are maybe not so good. These 37 kettlebell exercises in this video have been tested and tried not just in our personal workouts, but with our clients as well. Our training method draws from the kettlebell sport in the ballistics, as well as from the Hardstyle in the grinding lifts and we call it: Kettlebell Stark Style Enjoy the exercises and get inspired Exercise List 1. Hand To Hand Deadlift 2. Suitcase Deadlift 3. Hand To Hand Row 4. Ballistic Row 5. Staggered Row 6. Goblet Squat 7. Overhead Squat 8. Rack Squat 9. Stark S