Hooves Like Jagger PMV For Brynn
RAWR HEY GUISE C: INSPIRATION FOR VIDEO TITLE: SRSLY GO VOTE FOR THAT PIC ON 25TH OKAY MY ROVELIES COZ C MON. WHO WOULDN T WANT TO WEAR THAT PIECE OF AWESOMENESS ;D I M SORRY This is kinda boring in some places aaa It was a spur of the moment video OwO This video is for one of my best friends in the world Brynn mentioned how she loved this song and I randomly got inspired by her mentioning it then to make this :D I did it in like 2 hours and it s effectless and yeah owo BRYNN THIS IS FOR BEING ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS I LL EVER MAKE, FOR BEING THE SWEETEST GIRL ON EARTH AND FOR YOU AND DAN HELPING BRIGHTEN UP MY CRAPPY WEEK; 3; I promise I ll do tons more for you when I feel better though X3 I HOPE YOU CAN ALL STILL ENJOY AAAA I ve had a pretty crappy week over here XD; And I don t feel insanely well as of this second owo; ;; So I m gonna prolly go play br, br,