Somerset Maugham Compilation (1920 1949)
Compilation of various Pathe material featuring Somerset Maugham. i) 1947 Maugham talks of how his writing is autobiographical. He sits at his desk and talks of how his characters are founded on people he knows. Fact and fiction are so intermingled in my work that. .. I can hardly distinguish one from the He repeats statements that had been made against him by critics. He talks about the tradition of the telling of tales. ii) The second extract is silent date unknown. Maugham walks through a park. He then stands on a balcony overlooking a city unidentified. Could be somewhere on the banks of the Rhine. Other people stand with Maugham. We see him walk through the gardens of what is possibly an old college or palace or castle. M, S of Maugham sitting at a table talking to a fashion designer or it could be his private secretary. Maugham smokes a cigarette and looks at some drawings they could be drawings for a stage show. C, Us of the two men talking. Maugham puts on his spec