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2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the deadly Spanish flu. How prepared are we today if another global pandemic should strike Subscribe for regular science videos: Watch the Q A: Peter Piot discusses the risk of another global pandemic in our interconnected world and discusses the shortcomings of the global response to the West African Ebola outbreak and, drawing on his experience combating HIV, AIDS, he will highlight the need to focus on prevention and preparedness for future health threats. Peter Piot is the Director of the London School of Hygiene Tropical Medicine and a Handa Professor of Global Health. He is the first Chair to lead Her Majestys Governments Strategic Coherence of ODAfunded Research (SCOR) Board. He is ViceChair of the board of the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund in Tokyo, ViceChair of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) board, Chair of the Global Burden of Disease Independent Advisory Commi