Okuri Ashi Harai, , Foot Sweep Progression
OkuriAshiHarai, is a double foot sweep. Foot sweep s are an essential part of any Judoka s arsenal of throws. They are relatively safe to use as an attack, they are great to assist with getting your partner moving to set up other throws and when done correctly, they have an effortless feel, for such a big, dynamic throw. David (Blue Gi) and Rob (White Gi) both currently train out of Zenbu Judo Club located in Sydney, Australia. , Judo, OkuriAshiHarai, Footsweep Judo Fanatics x The Judo Way of Life Full Length Instructional Videos : It s All In The Hips, , Effective Judo Hip Tosses OkuriAshiHarai System, , Fancy Feet For more technical breakdowns: Super Simple Turnover OSotoGari Vs UtsuriGoshi