First Flight Over North Pole (1926)
Spitsbergen, The Arctic (owned by Norway). Title: First Flight over North Pole. Exclusive PATHE GAZETTE pictures of Cmdr. Byrd s historic flight from King s Bay. Intertitle: Amundsen his friendly rival greets the party on the arrival in the L, S of a ship moving towards the camera over a very still sea, passing large lumps of ice. Intertitle: After 15 1, 2 hours flight, Cmdr. Byrd arrives, claiming to have circled round the Pole. M, S of two men in flying helmets climbing into an aeroplane with the words FOKKI and BYRD painted on the side. Intertitle: Good luck M, S of three men on the deck of a ship, one wears a fur hat and officer stripes on his jacket. The ship is moored next to a larger vessel, one of the men goes to the edge of the deck and clambers onto the bigger boat. M, S of six men and a dog on the deck of the other vessel. They seem in good spirits, they all are dressed in winter clothing to protect them from the cold. L, S of the aeroplane