CGI Animated Short Film: Holy Nuns, Sacrées Nonnes by ISART DIGITAL, CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Holy Nuns, Sacrées Nonnes Animated Short Film by Anissa Beddiaf, Edwige Bellin du Coteau, Lucile Fillon, Perrine Lemonnier, Zacharia Mekideche, Léa Mouraud, Armelle Roy at ISART DIGITAL. Featured on CGMeetup Two eccentric nuns arrive late at the Holy Mass and get expelled from the service. While doing a cleaning chore as punishment, they accidentally break a valuable liturgical object. Full of regrets, they try everything to repair their mistake, but nothing goes as expected. Sucked into a whirlwind of improbable events, the nuns end up sliding down the slippery slope to immoral act. 3D Animation: Anissa Beddiaf, Edwige Bellin du Coteau, Lucile Fillon, Perrine Lemonnier, Zacharia Mekideche, Léa Mouraud, Armelle Roy