I played Ao T FINAL OP on piano in public
Get Honey for FREE today Honey finds coupons with one click. Thanks to Honey for sponsoring Second channel: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: In this video I play SiM THE RUMBLING from Attack On Titan (AoT) season 4 final season part 2 on piano in public. A huge crowd appears and the audience is shocked The audience is stunned and the audience is amazed and strangers give me money. A stranger hands me 10 I played Hunter x Hunter Departure on piano in public by Masatoshi Ono (HxH) to celebrate the new announcements of manga and season. Two girls are blown away and compliment me and a lady hands me a tip. I played Your Lie in April Opening on piano in public. I played Jolynes theme from JoJo s bizzarre adventures JJBA Stone ocean on piano in public. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:2