Learn to Swing Dance Lindy Hop, Level 3 Lesson 10 ( Charleston), Shauna Marble, Lindy Ladder
Let s challenge your Charleston skills with more difficult moves and patterns found in the last 2 lessons of Level 3. Moves In This Lesson: Charleston Tuck Turn (6count) Charleston Tuck Turn (8count) Drunken Charleston Tandem Kick Aways Tandem 180 HeGoes Tandem Charleston SheGoes Tandem Charleston Level 3 Lesson 10 Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 PRONOUN NOTE: The use of pronouns he and she across Lindy Ladder are used in a context of lead and follow, respectively, and not an inference of human gender. Lindy Ladder is a proud supporter of LGBQT rights, and most of our dancers learn both roles in the dance. Remove gender bias from the interpretation, and simply focus on the role you play in the vocabulary. Enjoy dancing CURRICULUM NOTE: The Lindy Hop is taught in many ways, because it s what is commonly referred to as a street When it was created, there was no curriculum, or set way of doing