Megadeth Police Truck ( Dead Kennedys cover)
Police Truck is a song by the band Dead Kennedys, covered by Megadeth. It was recorded during the sessions for the album The Sick, The And The Dead (2022) and appears as a bonus track on the digital version. The original version: Category: Bonus Track, Cover Appears in: The Sick, The And The Dead (2022) (Universal Music Group) Digital (2022) (Universal Music Group) CD: Japan (2022) (Universal Music Group) Lyrics: Tonight s the night that we got the truck We re going downtown, gonna beat up drunks Your turn to drive, I ll bring the beer It s the late, late shift, no one to fear And ride, ride, how we ride And ride, low ride It s a roundup time where the good whores meet We re gonna drag one screaming off the street And ride, ride, how we ride Got a black uniform and a silver ba