CSGO POV, i M (26 10) INFERNO POV, FACEIT Ranked, May 25, 023
, iM, gl, g2, csgo Crosshair for this gameCSGOvxovVZKpMCDQZZ9v6cFEpnYbD cfg DPI:400 SENS:2. 2 eDPI:880 ZOOM Resolution: 1280x960 43 Stretched Viewmodelviewmodelfov 60; viewmodeloffsetx 0; viewmodeloffsety 1; viewmodeloffsetz 2; viewmodelpresetpos 0; clviewmodelshiftleftamt 1. 5; clviewmodelshiftrightamt 0. 75; viewmodelrecoil 0; clrighthand 1; clbobclbobloweramt 5; clbobamtlat 0. 33; clbobamtvert 0. 14; clbobcycle 0. 98; The only thing I changed is the Radar Setting for the audience better see teammates position: : clradarscale 0. 35; clradaralwayscentered 0