The Cats Scarlet Ribbons Cats in colour 30 8 1969 Top Pop
The Cats were a pop group from Volendam. They were one of the most successful bands in the Netherlands from 1968 to 1975. The bands original line up was Cees Veerman, Piet Veerman, Arnold Mühren, Jaap Schilder, Theo Klouwer and (from 1972 to 1975) Piet Keizer. They developed an original music sound that received the name palingsound This style inspired many other Volendam artists, such as Maddog, Left Side, Next One and BZN. Watch our great music videos More TopPop Subscribe here More info on Wikipedia This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the physical film and, or videotape footage in this video clip.