Earth Swing Видели Ночь (Кино Ска Панк кавер)
Hi everyone Earth Swing is a channel where music is the main language of communication. After all, it is able to unite all people, regardless of any factors, be it status, age, nation or gender Music erases boundaries. This video presents our SkaPunk cover for the song of the Russian (Soviet) group Kino. The song Videli Noch. Would you like to join DM to us earthswing Featuring: Artyom Nikityuk, Russia (Vocals) Instagram: Youtube: Zarul Hakim, Malaysia (Trumpet) Instagram: zrlhkim Low Wen Hong (Lance), Malaysia (Trombone) Instagram: lancetbneup Niklas Schuegl, Germany (Organ) Instagram: nikeys Mikhail Mylov, Russia (Guitar) Instagram: pinkysoap692 Sebastien Petit, France (Bass) Instagram: Alonso Solano, Peru (Drums) Instagram: mixed by Mikhail Mylov