Lets Paint: Empire of Man Swordsmen
Hey guys Welcome back to the channel Sorry for the repost, had a technical error with the first iteration not having my narration. Today we have a full tutorial on how I paint my Reilkand scheme inspired from Warhammer: Total War. Going forward on the channel I ll be trying to stick to one paint line for ease of use. I ve recently picked up the entire Army Painter Warpaint Fanatic and it is fantastic. Expect a full review at some point. I ve been slowly building out a small Empire of Man force for my local Old World scene. I ve been printing Highland Miniatures Sunland line on my new GKTwo. Lovely STLs As always I ll be keeping my content free of paywalls. If you d like to suppor the channel please feel free to use the Amazon links below as they provide me with a small kickback. I highly recommend both the complete Fanatic Bundle and Speed Paint sets. They have completely replaced my entire paint collection. Warpaint F br, br,