Free English Class Topic: Fears ( Lesson Only)
Speaking English can be scary Taking an English class or having an English conversation can be a bit frightening There are many things that people are afraid of, and as you learn English it s good to be able to talk about them In this English class I ll be helping you learn about fears and phobias. Fears and phobias are things in life that we are scared of, sometimes for rational reasons, and sometimes for irrational reasons. . In this English class I ll help you learn some English words and phrases to talk about common things that people are afraid of. We ll talk about fear of snakes, dogs, spiders, being afraid of the dark, fear of crowds and failure, fear of heights, and many more things that people are afraid of. In this English lesson I ll also personally share with you some of the things that I m afraid of. I hope you enjoy this English lesson about fears and phobias Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtit