SANTA Inc event + Mistery Box GIFTS, Gifts for my subscribers Christmas Second Life
Landmarks on video description, Merry Christmas :D buy a GIFT to a friend and win GIFTS (Mistery BOX +40 Gifts) or play Secret Friend :P welcome to SANTA Inc 2021 Regala en secreto, sorprende a tus amigos y gana premios. Una visita por SANTA Inc y regalos para mis sucriptores. Links and extra info: SANTA Inc Opened till December 28th (Free GIFT with group tag) Win a Mistery box after spending 800L, 2 mistery boxes if you spend 1, 500L Las Mistery box son cajitas con más de 40 Regalos que ganas por gastar dinero en el evento : SANTA Inc Shopping Guide: For more info about events, free gifts, news about, Secondlife, check my fanpage: FACEBOOK: Flickr: SANTA Inc event + Mistery Box GIFTS, Gifts for my subscribers Christmas Second Life , Christmas, GIFTS, Santa, Subscribers