DAGESTAN LAST Salt Miner Women. Mountain Rural Life in RUSSIA. Dagestan
LAST DAGESTAN Salt Miner Women. Mountain Rural Life in RUSSIA. Dagestan LAST WOMEN in Dagestan mountains, who MINING THE SALT in an ancient method. Two women Batuli and Zagra still MINE THE SALT in the old way to survive in the harsh mountains of Dagestan. Every day at dawn after namaz, they come from the nearest village in the mountains to the salt springs and from morning to evening they harvest salt. To begin with, they make small piles of sand and clay and pour water from a salt spring over them and leave them in the sun. Sometimes, so that the rain does not wash away the salt, they cover each pile with an oilcloth. After drying in the sun, they collect sand into large wooden tubs, and on the top are again poured with salt water. The water passes through the sand filter and collects in the recess below, from where it is scooped out and collected in buckets. The prepared salted water is boiled on the stove until all the water boils away and only the salt remains. The life of these two women is very