Mauro Gargano NUAGES quartet: DANZA DELLA SERA ( Istituto di Cultura Italiano, Paris, 23, 06, 2020)
Mauro Gargano NUAGES quartet: DANZA DELLA SERA (Istituto di Cultura Italiano, Paris, 23, 06, 2020) I m very happy to share a little part of our last concert at Istituto Italiano di Cultura. This is our first concert after the confinement and we are very excited to play This composition is titled Danza della Sera, an hommage to Pierpaolo Pasolini s poem Notturno. In 1968 one of the first psichedelic italian bands named Chetro release a song titled Danze della Sera with Pierpaolo Pasolini Notturno Hope you enjoy Special thanks to, IstitutoItalianodiCulturadiParigi Ps: see you the 03, 12, 2020 for the official album release at the Sunside Jazz Club Paris