Reyer Slave to Sovereign (feat. Kees Kraayenoord)
Off the live worship recording Resound (2016). Written by Reyer, Kees Kraayenoord Amanda Lock (2015). SLAVE TO SOVEREIGN verse At one with God, in majesty Maker of heaven and earth Chose to save humanity Humbled himself at His birth At one with us, in brokenness Suffered knowing the cost Betrayed and scorned in loneliness Carried our shame on the cross prechorus Jesus, Jesus chorus You alone You chose to make a way As You became the greatest offering You alone You chose the lowest place Yet You were raised from slave to sovereign verse At one with You, in holiness Bought and redeemed by Your blood We stand designed for righteousness Radient for our God prechorus chorus bridge The highest place The highest praise The highest name For Jesus, Jesus chorus