The 1, 500 year old skull that sent a man to prison
The Horizon doctumentary mentioned has since been uploaded to YouTube: References: 1, 600YearOld skull leads to murder confession, United Press International, 1983 A supreme irony leads to conviction, The Lethbridge Herald, 1983 Birmingham child killer allowed out of prison to go shopping, Jeanette Oldham, Birmingham Mail, 2018 Horizon: Overkill, Gay Times, 1998 Independent investigation into the death of Mr Paul Corrigan a prisoner at HMP North Sea Camp on 11 December 2019, Prisons and Probation Ombudsman, 2018 Lindow and the Bog Warriors, Matthew Hyde and Christine Pemberton, 2002 Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog, and Don Brothwell, 1986 Man confesses to murder over 1, 600yearold skull, United Press International, 1983 Roman skull killer guilty, The Times, 1983 The face of guilt, Daily Mail, 1983 The ReynBardt case: Why an ancient skull trapped a killer, The Times, 1983