Giselle choreography by Patrice Barth + Evgeny Polyakov Dorothee Gilbert, Mathieu Ganio, V. Colassante Paris 2020
Giselle Dorothee Gilbert Albrecht Mathieu Ganio Myrtha Valentine Colasante Bathilde Sarah Kora Dayanova Hilarion Audric Bezard Le Duc de Courlande Yann Chailloux Pas de deux (paysanne) Marine Ganio Pas de deux (paysan) Francesco Mura Willis Marine Ganio, Eleonore Guerineau Choreography: Jean Coralli and Jules Perrault in the adaptation of Patrice Barth and Evgeny Polyakov Set Designer: Alexandre Benois Costume Designer: Alexandre Benois Scenography reconstruction: Silvano Mattei Costume Makeover: Claudie Gastin Conductor: Kun Kessel