How to setup full stack monitoring of your Kubernetes cluster in minutes, Peter Jüntgen
Приглашаем на DevOpsConf 2024, которая пройдет 4 и 5 марта 2024 в Москве. Программа, подробности и билеты по ссылке: DevOpsConf 2019 Тезисы: Instanas automatic application monitoring solution discovers application infrastructure and service components, deploys monitoring sensors for the applications technology stack, traces all application requests without requiring any human configuration or even application restarts. During this session the installation and usage of Instana in a Kubernetes cluster will be demonstrated. Докладчик: Peter Jüntgen, Director Technical Sales Europe, Instana Язык воркшопа: Английский Нашли ошибку в видео Пишите нам на