JOHN WICK PLAYS Mass Effect Kill Count: 472
Today marks 9 years since Shepards journey concluded in March 2012, with the release of Mass Effect 3. At the time it was supposedly the worst instalment in the series, but Mass Regret: Andromeda quickly proved how bad a Mass Effect could be, and how good the trilogy actually was in retrospect. With the imminent remaster of the trilogy via Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, we decided to relive the original trilogy by replaying all three instalments in Shepards story. Then we wondered: How many did she personally murder in her quest to save the galaxy from the Reapers Well, we checked, and the number is really high. Like mass murderer high Mass Effect (2007): 472 kills Mass Effect 2 (2010): 837 kills Mass Effect 3 (2012): 472 kills Yep, Shepard murdered at least 1, 781 over her career as a Spectre, and we documented our proof in this playlist. Oh, and this assumes Shepard manages her career in the most pacifistic way possible, killing only when absolutely necessary and avoiding all optional missions a