HAVAL SUV : Chinese Innovation The True Concept Of Future Of Automotive Technology
this video about the masterpiece of Chinese innovation HAVAL SUV : Chinese Innovation The True Concept Of Future Of Automotive Technology In the future, HAVAL will generate worldwide highquality SUV solutions using the secondgeneration series and parallel hybrid technology. The technological innovation in the area of FCEV allows HAVAL to develop the worlds leading hydrogenpowered SUV products. In 2022, HAVALs hydrogenpowered SUV is going to be revealed at the Beijing Winter Olympics to show Chinas auto features to the globe. HAVAL strategies to launch 20 global products with top technologies with their improvements by 2023. HAVAL brand was outlined in the Top 500 Most Valuable Brands, standing the top among Chinese automobile brands. In March 2018, Brand Finance released the Top 100 Most Valuable Auto Brands 2018. HAVAL brand exceeded the esteemed global brands such as Ferrari and Aston Martin, growing to the 16th place and getting the most precious Chinese car brand. HAVAL is the first Chin