IS ZASLON REAL SVR ZASLON Loadout Самое секретное подразделение России ( REACTION)
SVR ZASLON Loadout The Most Secretive Special Forces of Russia . In this Video you can see how was the training and their gear of this incredible Zaslon as named the secretive Military s Soldiers who truly protect the High Rank officials of Russia, leave your comments at the comment section I would be glad to respond and know your thoughts too Much love and respect from here in the Philippines The Russian (former USSR) BRLS8B Zaslon (Barrier) is an allweather multimode airborne radar developed between 1975 and 1980. Zaslon Barrier or Screen is Russia s most secretive specialpurpose unit within the Russian external security service, Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (SVR). Is Zaslon real Zaslon (Barrier or Screen) is a highlysecretive unit, which falls under the Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki (SVR), Russia s civilian foreign intelligence service. ... According