Choosing a Canoe why SMALLER is better
Why I chose an 11. 5 Foot Fibreglass canoe for Minimalist Camping and Fishing. When choosing a Canoe we tend to go for the larger option, its the same with boats and 4 Wheel Drivers Bigger is Better But thats not allays the case a minimalist approach can be liberating. When I researched the options, 99 of users had 14 to 16 foot canoes which were mostly empty or with large air bags front and back. I wanted a Canoe that was easy to handle both in and out of the water, but, wasnt that light that it wouldnt take the wear and tear from constant use. It needed carrying capacity, but only for a small camp setup. What I found was that 11. 5 Feet was the perfect size, let me show you. Below are links to the article I refer to and to The One Tree Canoe Company who made my canoe.