The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany, DW Documentary
On orders from Heinrich Himmler, the Nazis abducted children from Poland for forced Germanization. Hermann Lüdeking, Jozef Sowa and Alodia Witaszek have never met, but they shared the same fate. Tears still come to Jozef Sowas eyes when he talks about his life. His parents were murdered by Wehrmacht soldiers in Poland in 1943, and he and his four siblings were taken to Germany. Four of them managed to return to Poland. But his younger sister Janina was given up for adoption as a supposedly German child. She still lives in Germany today. This kidnapping was planned. In 1941, Himmler, who headed the Nazi SS, gave the order to gather young children who are especially racially suitable from Polish families and for us to raise them in special modestlysized kindergartens and childrens Professor Isabel Heinemann explains, By so doing, he aimed to build up the German For years, the historian has been researching the fates of the estimated 50 thousand childr