I took my Dog for the first time for a Hike l Cinematic Video
After this video Kraig Adams definitely gonna get a dog :) We set out to do an EPIC Mountain Hiking Trail. Hiking with a dog is a special experience and i know youll love this beautiful, relaxing nature therapy video with calming music and this travel vlog without talking. We did this epic hiking mountain trail during the summer months in Crimean Mountains. Its a challenging trail in the higher elevation of Mt Chatyr Dag. OUR GOAL was to reach one of the highest Peak of this area. This hike turned out to be one of the most beautiful hikes. We trailed through enchanted forests, babbling creeks, open meadows full of summer wildflowers, and stunning views of untached Nature this hike had it all Enjoy this nature therapy and let us know if you want more of these videos. Mountain hiking with my dog (labrador), Honey. Filmed with aPanasonic Lmix GH4, Sony Alpha 7 mark3, Dji Mavic Pro.