Voronov Alexey Journey beyond the Universe ( Part I) ( Full album 2022)
Tracklist: 00:00 Start 05:58 Frozen 11:28 Star light 17:11 Marimba 29:23 Black hole 33:20 Kometa 39:46 Milk way 50:39 Sorrow dead star 55:09 Road to all 1:00:28 Inside vacuum 1:09:38 Dream sun spirit 1:16:40 Odyssey to end. .. Rest, an Andromeda with a crippled White hand is grieving there for me. I. Annenskiy. (1906). .. Там тоскует по мне Андромеда С искалеченной белой рукой. Иннокентий Анненский. 1906 I would characterize this album as a Naive childish cosmism, which is dear to me precisely for its naivety, through which something eternal that lives in the heart manifests itself. This longplaying journey seems to have no end, just like the universe in the minds of scientists. An hour and a half of the first part, in which the arpeggiator of space synthesizers intertwines with violins and orchestra br, br,