Shojitsu Kenrikata Ichi ryu Katchu Batto jutsu 42nd Japanese Kobudo Demonstration (2019)
Kanzaki Masaru Sensei and his students demonstrating Shojitsu Kenrikata Ichiryu Katchu Battojutsu during the 42nd Nihon Kobudo Embutaikai held at the Nippon Budokan on February 3rd, 2019. The event also commemorated the 40th anniversary of the Nihon Kobudo Kyokai. Shingyotoryu iwas founded in 1682 by Iba Hideaki on the basis of the Hon Shintoryu school. The name refers to the relationship between the heart or spirit (shin), the form (gyo) and the sword (to). It teaches kenjutsu, with techniques of long (odachi), short (kodachi), two sabers (nitto) as well as techniques of iaijutsu, battōjutsu and naginata (halberd). SUBSCRIBE SUPPORT MY WORK You can help me produce more videos via donations on: Patreon: Tipee: You can also support me by sharing my videos with your friends and spreading the word about our work.