Call 8886868030 or visit NMLS 182334, APR for rates in the 5s start at 6. 014 for well qualified borrowers. Call 8886868030 for details about credit costs and terms I have some bombshell news coming out of Georgia as well as Philadelphia where the ABC news Trump vs Harris debate took place. You arent going to believe was ABC was just busted for and a Clinton advisor is even disgusted. Even though the winner of the presidential debate was crystal clear to meDonald TrumpI ve been seeing farleft Twitter accounts claim Kamala Harris won by a Yeah, seriously. One comment even said, Anyone with intelligence and common sense saw that Kamala Harris won the debate. Criminal Trump is so narcissistic he cant stand anything negative about But here s the truth: did Trump really lose No, he didnt. Reuters held a focus group with undecided voters to get to the bot