Tough Stockings (1960)
C, U of a young woman, Maureen Pearson, wearing a hairy orange coat and looking in a shop window at some very 1960s lampshades; tilt down to show she is wearing stockings over her shoes as part of a durability test. C, U of her feet as she walks across a road. M, S in a factory workroom in Hendon, London, as we see people cutting out fabric shapes with electric cutters; M, S of a man, Bill Rolph, cutting through several layers of nylon fabric held together by bulldog clips and examining the shape. High angle M, S and C, Us of Kay Collarbone cutting. Amazing M, S in the machine room of the factory where several women work at sewing machines; each one is surrounded by clouds of white nylon stockings Commentator talks of this new method of making stockings: the fabric is knitted into rolls with a doublelocking stitch using five times as many needles as usual. The stocking shape is then cut out from the rolls and a specially made foot shape is sewn on. C, Us of Lucy Bomba seaming a stocking on a machine; Ion