Hey Ho Thirty Years Ago (1935)
Note: Location of the events are unknown. Note: This is the famous film called Mary Jane s Mishap with a humorous commentary from Leonard Henry. Full titles read: HEY HO THIRTY YEARS AGO Intertitle reads: We are taking you back thirty years to the days when films were films. .. and this comicality was right in the Super Class (Described by Leonard M, S of a rather scruffy looking maid walking into the kitchen, stretching and yawning. She realises that the fire is not lit and start to panic, she runs around in a panic laying the fire for the stove, then puts a match to it. Mary Jane then starts to polish her shoes with a brush which she also wipes on her nose leaving a big black mark. She realises her mistake and holds up a mirror and wipes her face with a cloth. M, S of Mary Jane grinning inanely into the mirror. She then attempts to light the stove again, but fails. Next we see Mary Jane pouring a bottle which reads PARAFFIN on the side into the stove. She then lights it and