1990: Welcome to VIRTUAL REALITY, Tomorrows World, Retro Tech, BBC Archive
Howard Stableford and Kate Bellingham delve into the futuristic world of virtual reality. Virtual reality is a term coined by computer programmers to describe realistic interactive threedimensional worlds that are generated entirely using sophisticated 3D computer graphics. These virtual worlds can currently be explored using a revolutionary new virtual reality headset, while electronic gloves and suits are in development in California. Howard and Kate engage in a little virtual dogfighting in a virtual reality Harrier Jump Jet simulator. Originally broadcast 1 November, 1990. You have now entered the BBC Archive, a time machine that will transport you back to the golden age of tv to educate, entertain and enlighten you with classic tv clips from the BBC vaults. Make sure you subscribe so that you never miss a single stop on our amazing journey through the BBC Archive