Aaron Shust, Jonathan Dimmel, Joshua Aaaron, Misha Goetz and Marija Barušić ZION (live)
ZION VERSE 1 O daughters of Zion O Abrahams sons (Psalm 105:69) Hear the words of your Father (Deut 6:4) Hear His promise of love (Lev 26:4245) I will make you a blessing (Gen 12:3) Count the stars if you can (Gen 15:5) You will be a great nation (Gen 12:2) I will give you this land (Gen 17:8) CHORUS I will bring you back home (Ez 11:17) Bring you back home Oh My children (Ez 36:24) You will no longer roam Lost and alone in the night (Jer 31:2223) There is nothing on earth that could take you away (Jer 3:18) Once I gather you under My wings (Isa 11:12) I will bring you all back home Again (Zeph 3:20) VERSE 2 Though youve wandered like strangers (Jer 5:19) To the ends of the earth (Isa 41:9) I will send you a savior (Isa 19:20) I will finish my work (Isa 46:13) You have no other shepherd You have no other l