MAYA 2022, Whats New , Updates and New Features, Most Powerful Maya Yet
I m thrilled to be one of the lucky few YouTubers to be given the chance to do a video on the BRAND NEW Maya 2022, which was just launched yesterday It has a lot of new stuff to look at, and I ll be doing just that in this 1hour walkthrough series. If you like to skip around, here are several timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:05 Maya Startup Improvement 03:00 USD Universal Scene Description 06:43 Loading USD Pluggin 14:12 Modeling Updates 14:24 Sweep Mesh 19:31 Improved Modeling 21:47 Edit Pivot Option 23:40 Game Vertex Count 27:44 Fast Lasso Tool Selection 29:16 Riggin Updates 29:40 Component Tags 35:17 Topology Independent Falloff 38:55 Solidify 44:22 Animation Updates 44:42 The Ghosting Editor 49:07 Time Slider Book Marks 56:23 Auto Tangents 1:02:55 Cached Playback 1:07:10 Honorable Mentioned Updates 1:10:44 Outro , Maya2022, Maya2022, AutodeskMaya2022, AutodeskMaya2022, AutodeskMaya2022, au