MATT GOODWIN: WHY People Are Embracing REFORM UK Policies
How popular are Nigel Farage s policies Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has declared his party the opposition to Labour after an opinion poll showed it had overtaken the Conservatives for the first time. This is the latest evidence suggesting that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is heading for a heavy election loss. Farage s policies are resonating with many, particularly on immigration and patriotism, as his party averages 18 in the national polls. In this video, I delve into why people are embracing Reform UK policies, the implications of this bombshell announcement, and explore the core issues driving Farage s popularity. Stay tuned for exclusive polling data and my analysis on how this election could reshape British politics. , NigelFarage, GeneralElection2024, ReformUK, GE2024, MattGoodwin If you want to stay ahead of the curve, subscribe to my substack JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: SUBSTACK: LINKTREE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: LINKEDIN: LATEST BOOK: