Mun Sing Waiting In The Car
Music Waiting In The Car from Mun Sing s Inflatable Gravestone LP (ZIQ453) Written and produced by Harry Wright. Published by Domino. Directed by Ben Dosage and Sam Pilbeam DOP: Sam Walton VFX: Ben Dosage and Andrew Cunningham Coat designed by Cassie Ireland Maps by Gabriel and Zach Ireland Harry Wright: The concept of the video was inspired by a very vivid dream i had about a three legged horse. I found out that in Danish folklore a three legged horse is referred to as a Helhest and is seen as a symbol of death. Once the Helhest approaches you, you are supposed to bargain with it for your life by offering it a bag of oats. I also think the horse could ve symbolised my dog Fluffy has also three legs (and has since passed away). The video sees me on this journey in search of the Helhest, using clues and artefacts from reality to try and locate