Nihilists Guide to E3 2021, Pregame Discharge
Lyle Rath is BACK to scream unto the deepest creases of E3 New episodes at the end of every month Supported by Patreon Pendulator Of Beef Mountain Derkmagurk Gonna Effin Pre ElGerble Use the same one as last time HellishReasons The Grandest Ohmera Shurikkaru Rubicon Critter Megan Sandmann Trading Card Monopolist MattBenBig Shark Heart Kyle Tobin Bath Master Birdstheword94 Producers Milk Mind Gregory Zakem Patrick Werner Special Thanks Seth Dehncke, The AntiThule, vyhd Timecodes: 0:00 Intro 1:16 Ubisoft 2:47 Xbox, Bethesda 6:17 Square Enix 7:16 Summer Game Fest 8:23 Nintendo 10:11 What Was Missing